James is all boy and all energy every waking moment of every day. He doesn’t sit. He doesn’t cuddle. Even when he’s sick, he won’t come sleep in our bed, because he wants to play/explore/move. all. the. time. This is the last time he slept in our bed. He was four months old after crying himself to sleep… too young to escape the boppy and the bed…
The next day, I switched his naps to the swing, where the motion soothed him. Best decision I ever made {at the time}.
So, here’s a milestone in our books:
JAMES WALLACE SAT STILL AT 13 MONTHS OLD for 20 minutes. I put his little chair in front of the TV while he watched Baby Einstein (he usually plays while watching). I gave him some lunch in a little cup and a sippy cup of milk (we’re off the bottles!). Occasionally, he’d hold his cup up and say “cracker?” and I’d give him some more. And that was it. He didn’t move for 20 solid minutes!
He can sit still after all!! (And he had a little sidekick.)
I already forgot how he slept with his little arms up...touchdown...Grammy