Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I am officially completing my Thirty blogs for 30 years!  Good blogs, bad blogs, short blogs, and long blogs.  I did it.  And won’t do it again!  Ha.

Ending the month of August, I have a few pics that just can’t slip through the cracks. :) Most of these are from my phone.

Looking at the rain and listening to the thunder Monday night was very exciting!  As we focus on the excitement and dodge the fear of thunderstorms.


In an attempt to take the monotony out of every day, we had a truck lunch today.


Different sandwich.  Same ole day.  Take it apart.  Eat the cheese first.  Then the turkey.  Then the bread.  At least this truck got a “vroom vroom” before it was totaled.


James’ new favorite game… drum roll please… he hides in the pantry.  Waits to hear “where’s James????”, because we have absolutely no idea where he could be…


And out he jumps, with a “boo!” or a “hi!”  Over and over and over again.  {And when he is – for lack of a better word – forgotten about, a little voice from inside the pantry says, “knock, knock.”  And who wouldn’t reply “where’s James????”

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Although that particular day, he was being extra silly with Papa.

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While we’re not letting pictures slip through the cracks, here was Lynyrd when Grammy and Papa left to go back to Florida.  Depressed as ever.


Oh jeez, well now that I don’t end on a depressed note, here is a repost of one of my favorite pictures from when I was pregnant with James.  And Justin was in dire need of a son.


And there you have it, 30 blogs.

To be continued in September.  Only at my leisure. :)  If you still read my blog, thank you, I’m impressed!


When Justin heard the words “It’s a boy!” I think it was this moment that he envisioned.


That’s why getting a t-ball set last weekend was such a big deal in the Helfer Household.


Justin has talked about playing t-ball with James for approximately 17 months.


Daddy was proud.


James loved it.


Lynyrd played dodge-ball.


And Mommy was simply impressed by the ball boy.


Overall, t-ball is a success!  James lit up every time he hit the ball.


This batting practice called for a drink.


And it wasn’t long before James was right back out there singing hey batter batter.  Not really.  More like, “bbbbaaaaall”  over and over again.


Welcome to the big leagues, baby boy.  You’ve got what it takes to make your Daddy proud.


Sunday, August 28, 2011


I think I’m the ONLY mom in Columbia that hasn’t taken her kid to Yummilicious (a nearby frozen yogurt place).  Until today.  I think it’s safe to say The Helfers are a fan.  Especially our youngest Helf.


That was the first picture I took.  The we say smile and this is what we get face.  Although, this time there was no request.  As soon as we pulled out the camera, he made sure to show his love for Yummilicious.  {Let’s just hope he adjusts this smile before his prom pictures.}


We tried a few samples.  James chose chocolate with a loud “mmmmmm” that no other flavor received.  I had vanilla, and Justin had cake batter.


Not only did he love the yogurt today, but he loved the camera.  Justin is my witness, I only took pictures for two minutes.  But I couldn’t delete one.

IMG_8459IMG_8460IMG_8461IMG_8462Looking at Daddy

I love that face and know that one day too soon, we’ll say smile, and get a real – or fake – smile.  I’ll take this scrunch face for as long as I can.


*P.S. Amy, although we couldn’t make it to Yummilicious this week, you can definitely count us in next time!! :)

Breakfast of Champions

Frosted Mini Wheats, scrambled eggs and pear juice.  Mmmmmmm!

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

B & N

Our new favorite place to get out for a bit is Barnes and Noble.  JAMES ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT.  He’s in book heaven.  There’s a Thomas the Train table {which I am dying to buy him} with lots of “choo choos”.  Elmo is everywhere.  Stuffed animals are on nearly every shelf to hug.  Even Llama Llama “wama wama” lives there.  Best part is that it’s free.  Unless you choose to buy something.  Which I usually do.

I tried to snap a phone pic of James as he carried Cookie Monster around, but he dropped him when he entered Peter Rabbit’s section.  Too cool.  {Remember concentration face = amazed}


Play date next week at Barnes and Noble anyone?

P.S. I clean up every thing dropped and moved so, that I’m not one of “those moms”. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Blues

Justin now has to wear his Class B uniform a.k.a. hot weather {or summer} Blues a.k.a. ”Blues” on Fridays.  There are lots of downfalls to this.  All his badges need to be attached each week after washing.  Therefore, it’s time consuming.  Cereal, blueberry and juice smudges don’t blend in on the white starched shirt.  It’s uncomfortable.  It’s polyester.  And someone has to iron it once a week.  *That someone being me.

The advantage: Justin looks very cute every Friday morning.  Which makes for a double cute duo.

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*P.S. Justin apparently did not know that I could iron until yesterday.  He was very complimentary and surprised by my ironing skills.  Not sure what that says for me as a wife the past five years.  But in case you haven’t figured this out yet, I keep it pretty honest on here.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


As Justin was getting ready for work this morning, he for some reason had his helmet with him.  I had the genius idea of “letting” James try it on.


James is interested in hats lately.  He even tries to wear “The Cat in the Hat” book on his head.  Don’t you love their simple little minds?


As much as I loved this daddy-son-soldier moment, James was not a fan.  It lasted about a minute and a half before Justin let go….. and….. CLUNK!


James’ head dropped so fast!  Justin tried to catch it, but it happened too fast.  James’ little neck couldn’t support that big, heavy helmet!  Justin and I felt T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E.  I just happened to snap a picture of the clunk, but I immediately threw my camera down.  James didn’t even cry.  Wasn’t a big deal to him.  However,

Daily Parenting Lesson Learned: Don’t put a military helmet on your baby.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fall Fashion Preview

Trying on a recent fall purchase.  Who could resist taking a picture?


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Popsicle face

As much as I love the fall, I sure will miss this summer.


And I sure will miss this face.


Turning 30

Not going to lie; I’m not that happy about turning 30.  I’m very blessed at 30.  A wonderful husband, a happy and healthy child, a home, great friends, great family, etc.  But just being honest here.  Turning 30 stings. 

So, anyways, now that that’s out of the way… I celebrated my 30th birthday with my husband and cousins/bestest friends. :)  I posted a few pics on our first day, but here are a few more.

After stuffing our faces with shrimp, fish, fried goodness, and alcohol, we walked the Cooper River Bridge a couple of mornings.  I was wishing I brought my camera this trip, but was thankful for the convenience of cell phones.


We beat the rain on the walks, although you wouldn’t guess that by this picture.


We did all the touristy things.  Outlet mall, The Citadel Gift Shop, King Street shopping, outdoor lunches, and of course, a walk through the new and improved Market. 


On Shem Creek, we had lunch at Red’s {thank you, Andrea!}.  While the storm came in over our hotel and the dolphins played in the water.


We enjoyed the creek-side view from our balcony,


but were more than excited to pack up and visit Jason and Katie on Friday.


I had a GREAT birthday.  Long, restful nights of sleep.  Relaxing days.  Time to enjoy my marriage.  An awesome weekend with my cousins.  I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.  I must have said “I need a break!” 100 times last month.  It was perfectly refreshing.

But the very best thing about our vacation was coming home.

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I have every reason to celebrate being 30.  And looking forward to going home is a blessing in itself.  I have a childhood friend that tragically lost her 5 year old baby boy last week.  It has been on my heart.  And I find myself squeezing my baby just a little bit tighter every chance I get.


I am thankful for such a wonderful weekend.  I am thankful for parents that wanted to spend the weekend with my baby.  I’m thankful for a husband that I love so much.  And I am thankful for every minute I have with my baby boy.
