Justin now has to wear his Class B uniform a.k.a. hot weather {or summer} Blues a.k.a. ”Blues” on Fridays. There are lots of downfalls to this. All his badges need to be attached each week after washing. Therefore, it’s time consuming. Cereal, blueberry and juice smudges don’t blend in on the white starched shirt. It’s uncomfortable. It’s polyester. And someone has to iron it once a week. *That someone being me.
The advantage: Justin looks very cute every Friday morning. Which makes for a double cute duo.
*P.S. Justin apparently did not know that I could iron until yesterday. He was very complimentary and surprised by my ironing skills. Not sure what that says for me as a wife the past five years. But in case you haven’t figured this out yet, I keep it pretty honest on here.
She got it from her Mama